Universal Property Enhancer Help

Property Replacement


Allows you to globally modify any property with a new value.


All property replacement data is defined inside the prop_overrides folder, so you must first create that folder in your mod.

Create a .prop file with a unique name in the prop_overrides folder.

In that .prop file, add a string8s array, with each entry creating a new global property override.

string8s replacementList end

To replace a property, add an entry to that list, each entry has the following format:

"data_type target_property_hash source_property_name"

data_type should be the value type of the target property you are replacing, for example, float or int32.

target_property_hash should be the numeric value of the property you are replacing, for example, to replace the property modelMinScale you would use the number 0xF023ED73. You can convert from a property name to the hash in the Utilities tab of SMFX.

Define a property with the data_type you put, and the name should match source_property_name. This controls the value of the replaced property.

As an example, your file might look something like this:

string8s replacementList "float 0xF023ED73 minScaleValue" "float 0xF023ED79 maxScaleValue" end float maxScaleValue 340282346638528860000000000000000000000 float minScaleValue 0
Last modified: 05 September 2024